Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

27 January 2016

Day 42

I found myself talking to my washing machine today. Encouraging her, that though she would not get a nap time like the rest of us, I promise to give her Thursday off. See what kids do to us?!! I was once a respectable business owner and now I find myself comforting my washer! But, while there are days…there are days…when I feel like I am losing my mind, I really have the life! 

I would never go back to the days of lining up meetings at Starbucks with elite brides and putting together design packages for them. While it was great, my life now is grand. Now, I wake up to the pitter-patter of little feet and to sounds of laughter and giggles, and I am investing my life into four little lives that will grow up to impact others. 

I am resolved. Resolved to embrace my current season of life. Chasing little ones around all day is no easy task, but I will resist the urge to hurry the day by to get to bedtime. I will enjoy this time God has entrusted to me with His precious children and I will use it for Him. And another thing, I will not wait to enjoy my husband until the kids are grown and out of the way. The focus of this dare has been on being a light to my children, but my husband comes first in all of this. I am resolved.

Who will join me?

The journal continues…

I cannot do the things that I would (5:17). One thing I have seen so evident through this dare is that I cannot simply will to overcome the flesh. Paul knew this. He basically says in Romans 7, that what he wants to do he does not do, but what he does not want to do, that is what he finds himself doing. He wants to do good, he says in verse 19, but he ends up doing the evil he does not want to do. 
I find this struggle of the flesh always present with me as a mom. There is much good I want to do and yet everyday I find myself doing the exact things I do not want to do. The things I abhor about myself that I only discovered were a part of my character when tried by the fire of four energetic children. 
The works of the flesh Paul lists in chapter 5 may seem a far cry for most settled believers, but as I dig deeper, I see words that mean 'outbursts of anger' or 'self-seeking, selfish ambition' and I cringe in shame. The message of Galatians—of law versus grace—is that I cannot have victory in my own strength or by my own will. If I could, then Christ died in vain. God forbid!
This means there is a source beyond myself where I can find victory—the Spirit.
'Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh' (5:16).
The freedom I have in Christ compels me to love others. Love is the grand secret. It takes the place of all the laws God ever gave. If you love others, you will not steal, lie, envy… Love is God's substitute for law. But, this love is not something I can will to do in my own strength, in the same way I cannot fight the flesh on my own. Again, I need the Spirit. The Spirit was God's special gift to me given at the day of my salvation. But, everyday, I make the choice to yield to the flesh or to the Spirit.
'If you be led of the Spirit, you are not under the law' (5:18).
Which brings me to the question, 'Who is leading my life or, more practically, my day?' Self? With all its emotions, lusts and pity. Or Spirit? With fruit that unfolds a beautiful life. And here is that lovely list of fruit without the plural ending because in my search for joy, God has filled me with the knowledge of so much more wealth available to me through Him—
Longsuffering (patience)
Temperance (self-control)
This fruit all comes in the same basket. There can be no joy apart from love, patience, gentleness. But, rather than seeking to fill my home with all these beautiful graces, I simply need to seek my God—to abide in my Vine (John 15:1-5)—through the Word, prayer and humbly walking with Him. 
Why would God make salvation so simple and sanctification so difficult? I cannot live the Christian life. I was never meant to live the Christian life. I was meant to know my God and His Word, to love Him, to honor Him and to depend on Him for EVERYTHING. In Him is life and through His Spirit is fruit and through that fruit others—especially my children—are fed and helped and longing for what we have that can truly satisfy their souls.
And through this process of a desperate branch growing (becoming more like Christ), God is glorified.

My Dare:
To simplify my life—'For to me to live is Christ' (Philippians 1:21). And, what I mean by 'simplify': to relax and enjoy my wealth (what I have in Christ). I cannot add anything to my overwhelming, unsearchable riches. It is time to go to the bank (the Spirit) and withdraw life in full—abundant life (John 10:10). My deposit slip is prayer and my signature is dependence, trust. My response: a heart of thanksgiving—'eucharisto'—which always leads to joy.
'Joy is a flame that glimmers only in the palm of the open and humble hand. The moment the hand is clenched tight, fingers all pointing toward self and rights and demands, joy is snuffed out. Only self can kill joy.'*
And, only the Spirit can bring joy to fruition!

I encourage you to read Galatians 6 and join me tomorrow for our final dare! Paul does not bring his letter to a gentle close. He is looking for his Sharpie permanent marker—in big, bold, lasting letters, he will leave the believers at Galatia, and us, with one final challenge. And, though our journey will end with the joy we were searching for, this is all really just the beginning. 

* Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts 

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