Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

18 January 2016

Day 35

The buzz word for this blog is "gospel." 

And, in case you are wondering what exactly that all means, in Paul's opening greeting in verses 3-5, he gives a clear reminder of the true gospel to protect against the false gospel that was entering the church of Galatia:

"Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ,
Who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:
To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."

In his book, A Gospel Primer, Milton Vincent defines the gospel as, "good news of salvation for hell-deserving sinners through the Person and work of Jesus Christ."

And, while I am always learning and growing in my understanding of the fullness of the gospel, here is my nutshell definition:

God's unexplainable love toward undeserving sinners like you and me, in giving His only Son to die as a sacrifice for our sins and to rise again that all who by grace believe in Jesus will forever live with Him, who is worthy of all the glory.

Wow! I agree with Vincent when he says, "That's just plain crazy!"

The journal continues…

What was Paul fighting for? Our spiritual freedom in Christ (2:4). His concern was not peace. His concern was "the truth of the Gospel" (2:5). 
Sometimes I think all I want as a mom is peace…I live for those moments of quiet, when everyone is getting along, when there are no 'emergencies'—so much so that I will often sacrifice the eternal on the alter of the immediate. When peace is threatened, it is then that I am most apt to yield to my flesh rather than to walk in the Spirit. 
But, the truth of the gospel has set me free from all that—free from fleshly lusts and idols—even if it is something as beautiful as peace on the pedestal. The truth will set me free! 
And, as I step away from the bondage of my desires, I see Christ orchestrating peace all around me—just as Paul watched the apostles and elders approve of this liberating gospel he presented before them. I don't have to take a stand for peace in my household. I stand for truth—the truth of the gospel—that when things start to war against the peace of our home, whether outside circumstances or inward rivalry, I live the gospel.
I respond to my children with patience and kindness—true Biblical love as demonstrated through the gospel. The gospel is what creates peace. As I fight for peace, I add fire to the fire, but as I stand for the truth of the gospel, the fruit of the Spirit become like a living stream, flowing through my home, quenching all the fiery darts of the evil one.

My Dare:
When the kids are fighting, when nap time is disrupted, when messes are made, when all I hear is incredible volume—to not join in the fight, but instead to STAND FAST. To believe that if I am patient, calm and teach my children the truth firmly, but in love, that the Spirit will fight this raging war and bring peace. And, the peace He promises is not always in my circumstances (Paul ended up in prison!)—it is far better—peace within. Peace to weather any storm. 

We are moving along quickly in Galatians—only eight days left! I encourage you to read chapter 3 before we meet again tomorrow. The message of Galatians is better to learn while running—running away from the duplicity of Satan and toward the clarity of the gospel.

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