Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

15 January 2016

Day 34

We have climbed mountains in our journey through Philippians—the mountains of our circumstances, struggles and fears. And now before us, in the book of Galatians, is an open field that we must run through. There will be little distractions along the way, but we must not stop to pick the dandelions like children so cutely do, there is a radiant field of wild flowers in the distance ahead—wild flowers of truth. The truth of who we really are in Christ!

"The truth will set you free"*

The journal continues…
I don't feel I am ready to be out of the prison cell just yet…I wish Philippians had at least ten more chapters, but I am moving on to Galatians in my continued search for becoming a 'REAL' Christian, one whose life demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit as listed in chapter 5. My aim is still joy, though I am certain all nine beautiful characteristics come as a package deal, especially since Paul calls them "fruit" of the Spirit in the singular sense. I am excitedly continuing my journey toward a more Spirit-filled, Spirit-run home. 
Paul is not sitting back rejoicing as in his letter to the church at Philippi—he is pacing—he is crossing out and rewriting, he's got to get this one right. The church of Galatia is going down a dangerous path. Paul sees right through their "noble," self-righteous pursuit. They see honor, Paul sees chains. 'We were meant to be free!' he surely cried out as he was trying to show the believers at Galatia how they had exchanged beautiful, glorious grace for the binding law Christ had died to overcome. 
The kids were playing Jailbreak today and my littlest one just stayed in the jail even though her older brother had worked so hard and risked it all to set her free. How similar was the church of Galatia—in their own ignorance, they were staying in the same place of bondage Christ had died to set them free from. 
And, in verse 10, Paul points out the defining question to ask yourself to know if you are the 'real deal'— 
'Do I seek to please men, or God?' 
That question separates the Christians who bear the fruit of the Spirit from those who work hard and are weary in doing good works. One is trying to do much for God, while the other is doing much with God. 

My Dare:
As I make decisions today—big or small—to ask myself the defining question: 'Am I seeking to please men, or God?' While it is a continual struggle of the flesh—a battle—to not want the praise of men, we must fight for what or Who we love.

I should probably hang a sign on our front door that reads, "Warning: War Zone" for any innocent unannounced guests. Because in the thick of the day when the floor is covered in Legos and play swords are cutting through the air and brothers are going at it and the littlest one is pulling everyone's hair, our home is nothing less than a battleground. But, while wars are raging on the outside, the true battle lies within. 

Join me in reading chapter 2 of Galatians this weekend and on Monday we will take a closer look at what Paul is fighting for.  

*John 8:32 ESV

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