Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

07 January 2016

Day 28

Every moment is full of beauty. I see it and I jot it down in the mini red journal on my kitchen counter. A reminder of the goodness of God even in the little things I might otherwise have missed:

#2: Sun shining through the kitchen window

#8: My handsome man rolling molasses cookies

#16: A visit from an old friend

#26: Early morning walks

#126: Chicken noodle soup

#145: Two little girls giggling

#155: A baby kicking in my belly

#208: Clean floors

#212: Dark chocolate

#240: A headache through the night rather than through the day

#255: Answered prayer (even when it's not what we hoped)

#302: Saturday mornings

#328: Smell of clean laundry

#330: A new friend

#341: A blog...a chance to write and point women to Christ

Every day, 
glowing with God's goodness, if I but stop to see.

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusteth in Him!" 
Psalm 34:8

The journal continues…

'Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are TRUE, 
whatsoever things are HONEST, 
whatsoever things are JUST, 
whatsoever things are PURE, 
whatsoever things are LOVELY, 
whatsoever things are of GOOD REPORT; 
if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.'
Philippians 4:8 

As I picture Paul sitting in his dark, cold, rat-infested cell, penning the word, 'lovely,'  
I widen my eyes in amazement. For, unlike Paul, I sit in my beautiful, cozy, sun-filled home and step outside to hear the sounds of nature, to feel the cool breeze, to smell the fresh rainfall scent—and I write of my struggles for joy.
We know so little of what we have in Christ! Our lives are not an empty, lonely prison cell—they are FILLED with distractions. Rather than thinking on things that are TRUE, I spend most my time worrying about things that may never happen or that I have no control over. Rather than thinking on what is LOVELY, I talk about the unappealing parts to my day. I waste mind power on thoughts that tear down rather than on what will motivate me to do better ('virtue') and lift others up ('praise').
'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee because he trusteth in Thee.'  Isaiah 26:3 

My Dare:
To not be a mom run by emotions. To have a sound mind. To make decisions in confidence as I seek the Lord, not fearing the 'what-ifs,' but focusing on what is true now. 

What about those days when we are lying sick in bed or have a headache that clouds everything around us? Do we still have to LIVE those days? Or, can we just let them pass and start again the next morning? Join me tomorrow as we continue in chapter four of Philippians and see that no matter our condition, Christ is constant.

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