Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

11 January 2016

Day 30

What would it look like practically if we released all our worries to God? If we let Him provide for our needs, fight our battles, work in the hearts of our enemies? 

If an artist were asked to paint the picture, would it be an image of a fearful woman hiding behind her sofa, waiting for God to arrive? The more I study Scripture, the more I see a vivid image of a faith-filled woman kneeling in her closet in prayer, knowing her all-powerful God is ever present. I see the image of a strong woman, FREE of her own concerns, bending to serve the concerns of others. 

We do not have to wait to be healthy, wealthy or without troubles to help others. The Macedonian believers gave of their poverty (II Corinthians 8:1-2). And, as Jesus sat before the treasury, he noted that the widow who put in her last two mites had given more than the rich who put in of their abundance (Mark 12:41-44). 

The power of a God full of resources is available to every believer, if we simply humble ourselves and pray. 

The journal continues…

Saul was dead. And, David knew he was the next annointed. He could have attacked Abner and taken what was rightfully his. But David was content in his God. He chose to wait on God and His Providence. And instead of a fight, God change's Abner's heart and brings him to David, handing him the throne (II Samuel 3:20-21). 
Contentment…waiting on God's provision…these terms are not synonymous with modern day. We push, fight for our rights, take a stand, find solutions—all for noble causes. But, we are missing the power of God in our lives. We are without rest and peace.
The believers at Philippi desired to help Paul, but they were often in need themselves. At the close of his letter to them, Paul takes the opportunity to teach them about contentment. He tells them that true contentment is constant…it does not change, whether life is good or lacking.
According to Jeremiah Burroughs, the Christian who has learned contentment, should always be found in a good mood, not only at this or that time, but as the constant temper of his or her heart.* Constancy is hard as a woman and especially as a mom, but in it my children can find rest and joy. 

My Dare:
Today, I will not allow myself to get distressed—even when it is past nine o'clock and I have not yet started the first load of laundry for the day and the breakfast dishes are piled high in the sink; even if the little ones wake up from their naps before I've had a chance to sit and sip my tea—I will live this moment in the strength of the Lord, trusting Him for the next. I will not fight against and push through my day. I will rest and abide in the power of my God.

What do we do when the pressures of life, like a whistling tea pot, come to full steam? When victory seemed impossible, Paul had a motto and so should we. Join me tomorrow as we dig beneath the surface, into the rich soil of what we have in Christ.

*Jeremiah Burroughs, The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment 

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