Philippians 1:11

"Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God." Philippians 1:11

08 January 2016

Day 29

Saved. Sanctified. Serving? 

It is a joy to "serve" others—our families—on our good days, when we have extra time, extra money, extra energy. But when tiredness sets in and we are falling behind in our schedules and resources are limited, we find ourselves hiding in the dark closets of our selfish desires, unwilling to serve when it is tied to sacrifice. 

I would submit that service without sacrifice is like prayer without faith. Neither yield any power nor are marks of true followers of Christ. 

"For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many." Mark 10:45

The journal continues…

I find myself wanting more from my family—having high expectations, expecting them (especially my husband) to know my thoughts—that since I am there for them ALL the time, when I am sick and need help, surely they should all jump to their feet and dance to my every whim. I expect them to serve me…MY WAY.
That is not a true heart of service. In fact, when I am sick, tired, with a migraine, that is the true test of my service—is it genuine? Or, have I still been serving self all along? And did I just miss the most powerful opportunity to be a blessing to my family?
Paul says in his final chapter of Philippians that he has learned in WHATEVER state he is in, to be content [4:11]. He did not say we would never be weak, but that when we are weak, it is then that in Christ we are strong. His grace is sufficient [II Corinthians 12:8-10]. Christ is sufficient. And that is why the believer can live in all kinds of circumstances with contentment. Christ is the key.
'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.' Philippians 4:13
There is always Christ. Therefore, I am always without an excuse for my rantings and should instead be full of hope and wanting to share the blessing of who Christ is with my family, whether I am abased or abounding [4:12].

My Dare:
Instead of praying that my circumstances would change, to pray that Christ would change me. 

Our God is on the throne. He is in control. He is able and willing to provide. Then why do we continue to worry about our needs, living up one minute, down the next—living by sight rather than by faith, as if it all depends on us? Join back with me on Monday as we find more of this contentment Paul teaches of and the rest and joy that comes when we let God be God. 

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